U.S.-German Forum Future Agriculture Cohort 2025
The third year of the U.S.-German Forum Future Agriculture focuses on the issue of land use conflicts between renewable energy and agriculture in rural areas. This conflict requires the development of innovative solutions and strategies that support both energy and food production. The project includes eleven online workshops and two five-day in-person meetings of 16 U.S. and German farmers and other agricultural stakeholders from March 31 to April 3 in Magdeburg, Germany and May 19 to 23, 2025 in Boulder, U.S.A.
The Aspen Institute Germany is pleased to announce the members of the cohort of 2025: Bryan Mayo Jr (Mayo Mills / Independent Farmer / Town of Tarboro); Angela Heinssen (Kanzlei an der Lühe); Breanna Reed (Bee-Ewe-tiful Farms); Arne Guttulsröd (AGN Neunheilingen GmbH); Benjamin Riensche (Blue Diamond Farming Company); Joel Tatum (American Farmland Trust); Jonas Trippner (DLG e.V. – German Agricultural Society); Genevieve Byrne (Vermont Law and Graduate School); Denny Tumlirsch (Landesbauernverband Brandenburg); Sylvia Lauer (Maientalerhof); Cetta Barnhart (Seed Time Harvest Farms); Eden Vardy (The Farm Collaborative); Madhu Khanna (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign); Sophie Charlotte Schumacher (Hazera Seeds Germany GmbH/ Schumacher GbR); Manuela Schneider (Domäne Hofschwicheldt & Erlebnisspeicher); Lukas Mißlbeck
Forum Future Agriculture Meeting – Magdeburg, Germany (March 31-April 3, 2025)
Forum Future Agriculture Meeting – Boulder, Colorado, United States (May 19-23, 2025)
The project is supported by the Transatlantic Program of the Federal Republic of Germany and financed by the European Recovery Program (ERP) of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).