Foresight Process Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership
Together with the Bureau for Current Affairs, Aspen Germany is working on a Foresight Process for South-East Europe, Eastern Europe, and the South Caucasus on behalf of the GIZ and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
More specifically, the countries we are looking at are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Serbia; Ukraine and Moldova; as well as Armenia and Georgia.
The aim of this project is to develop a regional strategy for the BMZ, which will then be a key instrument for the strategic planning and governance of the bilateral and regional cooperation by the BMZ with the different regions. In addition, this will enable the German development work to be compatible with EU strategies and strategies of other European actors.
Key themes for the development of this strategy, as identified by the BMZ are (1) Climate and Energy / Just Transition; (2) Sustainable Economic Development, Training and Employment; (3) Peace and Societal Cohesion; (4) Digitalization; and finally (5) Feminist Development Politics. Within these themes and through applying different methods, we will answer the following questions:
What are possible future developments (scenarios) in the regions up until 2024? What are the uncertainties and blind spots in the regions until 2024?
What developments in the regions are essential for German politics (especially development politics), and where is the greatest need for action?
What opportunities for action result for German development politics? How can a viable for the future strategy for German development politics look like for the regions of South-East Europe, Eastern Europe, and the South Caucasus?