Democracies are facing distrust from their citizens in solving the multiple crises that threaten our future. This mistrust stems from a perceived loss of control over livelihoods due to excessive globalization, technological disruption and climate change. In these uncertain times, it is therefore important to regain people’s trust – whether by redesigning or strengthening policies.
The Aspen Institute Germany proudly announces that Stormy Annika Mildner, Executive Director of Aspen Germany, signed the Berlin Summit Declaration published by the Forum New Economy. The declaration recommends, for example, reorienting policies and institutions from a focus on economic efficiency to a more prosperity-creating focus which contains securing quality jobs or reshaping climate policy by combining a reasonable carbon price with strong positive incentives to reduce carbon emissions and ambitious infrastructure investment.
The ambition is to regain public trust through industrial innovation, reducing inequalities and policies of shared prosperity.
Read the full declaration here.