- August 22, 2023
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- August 22, 2023
The Democratic and Republican parties in the United States have long been at odds with each other. In recent years, the degree of polarization has increased further. Compromises are now rarely possible. This has consequences for political culture and democracy in the United States. These political battles are playing out in important institutions in the country. This is true of the House of Representatives and the Senate in Congress. In addition, the Supreme Court’s recent decisions on the end of affirmative action after 45 years, and the rejection of student loan forgiveness, were highly controversial. How satisfied are the American people with their democracy? What issues are most controversial in U.S. society? Has U.S. President Biden’s reputation as a bridge builder on Capitol Hill already failed? How has the role of the Supreme Court changed in times of polarization and how does this affect society? Podcast hosts Julia Friedlander, Atlantik-Brücke, and Stormy-Annika Mildner, Aspen Institute Germany, discuss these questions with Doris Simon, Correspondent for the U.S. and Canada for Deutschlandradio (DLF) in Washington, D.C., and Sarah Wagner, Deputy Director and Program Officer at the Atlantic Academy Rhineland-Pfalz.