- April 17, 2020
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- January 23, 2025
Barack Obama and Senator Bernie Sanders both officially endorsed Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for president. How important is their support for Biden’s campaign? Can Joe Biden, who is considerate a moderate Democrat, court left-wing Sanders supporters? Will he succeed in mobilizing African-Americans to vote for him in November? Who do Christian conservative voters support, especially the influential Evangelicals? And who is expected to remain a loyal Trump voter? This week’s podcast episode takes a look at key voter groups in the presidential election. America’s Choice hosts Tyson Barker, Deputy Director and Fellow at the Aspen Institute Germany, and David Deißner, Executive Director at Atlantik-Brücke, talk with Martin Klingst, political correspondent at DIE ZEIT and author of the book Trumps Amerika: Reise in ein weißes Land, about who is expected to vote for whom and why.