- February 07, 2022
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- September 09, 2024
In our third episode, our host and podcast producer Roberta Ahlers spoke with experts Dagny Lüdemann, Chief Reporter Science, ZEIT ONLINE, Dr. Jens-Uwe Grooß, Institute for Energy and Climate Research, Stratosphere Division (IEK-7), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Marie Richter, Managing Editor Germany, NewsGuard Technologies, Roberta Schmid, Media Analyst, NewsGuard Technologies, Dr. Charlotte Unger, Senior Research Associate, Climate Action in National and International Processes, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS), and Nora Löhle, Program Director, Energy and Environment, Heinrich Böll Foundation North America on the topics of Fake News, Climate and Health.
As well as with students Gustav Mehlau, Dathe-Gymnasium Berlin, Katharina Stähr, German International School of Silicon Valley, Lena Nicoletti, German International School of Silicon Valley, and Simon Rakel, Marie-Curie-Gymnasium Dresden.