- May 17, 2022
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- February 16, 2025

On May 17, 2022, Aspen Germany hosted an exclusive parliamentary breakfast entitled “Strategic Foresight Lessons from Russia’s War against Ukraine”. At our first public event on strategic foresight back in February, Prof. James D. Bindenagel, Senior Professor, Center for Advanced Security, Strategic, and Integration Studies (CASSIS) and retired U.S. Ambassador, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder, Professor, Institute of Political Science and Sociology, University of Bonn, called for a Council on Strategic Foresight. This time, the exclusive roundtable targeted Members of the German Bundestag as our audience. Statements by members of the Bundestag from various parties showed the different perceptions of the German crisis blindness, the lack of foresight and possible ways out of it. Can the idea of a “Council for Strategic Foresight” help to develop strategic thinking and coordinated and coherent action in German politics? What are the lessons for a German national security strategy? What are our driving interests? What military capabilities and economic capacities determine German hard and soft power? What are the implications of Putin’s war for the international order? How might an expert council on strategic foresight better prepare the government for emerging crises? The discussion was be moderated by Aspen Germany’s Executive Director, Dr. Stormy Mildner.