- March 18, 2024
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- March 18, 2024
From the Middle Out and the Bottom Up: U.S. President Joe Biden uses this formula to outline his government’s economic policy like a mantra. The idea of so-called Bidenomics essentially has three components. Extensive investment in the middle class, measures for training and further education and the promotion of competition are intended to generate economic growth. In the current presidential election campaign, Biden is emphasizing that this economic policy should put an end to the trickle-down economy theory of the past four decades. What are the main principles of Bidenomics? Is there a fundamentally new strategic approach? Does Bidenomics amount to a protectionist course? How much do U.S. citizens realize noticeable changes in their everyday economic status? Will Bidenomics be a successful campaign strategy? Podcast host Julia Friedlander, Executive Director of Atlantik-Brücke, discusses these questions with Ulrike Malmendier, Cora Jane Flood Professor of Finance at the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley, and Stormy-Annika Mildner, Director of the Aspen Institute Germany.