- March 06, 2019
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- March 07, 2019
From March 6-7, 2019, the Aspen Institute Germany organized a Scenario Workshop on the topic “How to Achieve Economic Competitiveness in the Western Balkans by 2030?”. The workshop started off with input statements by Helge Tolksdorf, Head of the Division EU-Enlargement, Southeastern Europe, Turkey at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, and Hendrik Bosshammer, Economist and Project Manager “South East Europe Competitiveness Outlook” at the OECD on the current economic structure and competitiveness of the Western Balkan economies. The participants then identified key trends and drivers in European and world economies and analyzed their respective impact. The overarching aim of the workshop was to develop a best-case scenario for the Western Balkans for 2030 and have a discussion about what needs to be done to reach this normative endpoint (backcasting). The group of participants was composed of experts from economic think tanks from the Western Balkans, representatives from German Federal Ministries, the OECD and business representatives.