- November 07, 2023
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- November 08, 2023

The Aspen Institute Germany hosted its annual Working Group Western Balkans on November 07-08, 2023, in Berlin. The goal of this working group was to develop concrete policy recommendations in preparation for the Western Balkans Conference on “Digitalization and Democratization” and to discuss the results of this year’s Foresight Process. Moreover, the working group took stock of the current situation of the EU integration process of the Western Balkans. The envisaged working group aimed to identify the next steps that should be taken by Western Balkan, German, and EU decision-makers and to develop concrete policy recommendations. The working group consisted of high-level government representatives from the Western Balkan, select experts, as well as representatives from the EU, the German Government and the Bundestag. With no more than 20 participants, the goal was to have an off-the-record, in-depth debate on the current state of EU integration. This event was part of the project “Western Balkans Initiative: Engagement for Progress and Stability” kindly supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.