For the upcoming NATO Summit in Brussels in June 2021, Klaus Wittmann summarizes core tasks of the NATO Alliance that need to be revised and supplemented in the Strategic Concept.
Spot On
China – Härtetest für die transatlantischen Beziehungen
Looking at the EU-US-China triangular relationship, the authors formulate a 10-point plan for EU-US cooperation on China. A common position regarding the systemic competitor presents opportunities and challenges for the partners
Raus aus der Sackgasse: G7 müssen Krisenmanagement neu denken
In this policy paper, Stormy-Annika Mildner presents the recommendations of the
G7 Panel on Economic Resilience, an advisory group of the UK G7 presidency.
“Build Back Better“ – Sind die besten Tage von Joe Biden schon vorbei?
One year after Joe Biden took office as U.S. president, the authors take stock. Successes and failures of the first year in office, as well as an outlook on the futures, illuminate the most important topics of U.S. politics.