- November 29, 2023
- 12:00
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- November 29, 2023
- 14:00

Bridging AI Regulation – Towards A Global Governance for Ethical AI
An important goal of AI regulation is to ensure that technology such as AI “is developed and used in ways that reflect our democratic values and interests,” according to U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken in his March 2023 speech “Advancing Technology for Democracy.” In cooperation with Microsoft Berlin, Aspen Germany is hosting the “AITech Dialogues: AI for Sustainable and Just Societies” series of dialogues to address existing and emerging AI technologies, particularly with regard to ethical considerations of their impact and the governance required.
On October 30, 2023, President Biden issued an Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. The EU AI Act also aims, among other things, to promote human-centered and trustworthy AI that protects fundamental rights. In parallel, as with hardly any technological revolution before, there is a broad international debate on the right approach to regulating artificial intelligence. In the G7(+) and the G20 but also at the UN and the OECD, there are strong efforts to develop a common understanding and to adopt guidelines for AI. BRICS countries such as India and Brazil are also playing an active role in regulating AI. In addition to aspects such as security, transparency and trustworthiness, the issue is not least how the respective value models are reflected in the regulatory approach.
Since AI governance is increasingly international, the “West” and its partners face the challenge of simultaneously leading as well as integrating to prevent autocratic states from exporting their value model via technological standards.
In this event, experts from politics, business, academia, and civil society discussed the importance of democratic values for AI applications and how a common understanding of the basic regulatory framework can be achieved at the international level.
We welcomed Marco-Alexander Breit, Deputy Director General AI, Data, Tech at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Dr. Robert Kilian, Member of the Board and Co-Head of the AI Regulation Taskforce of the German AI Association (KI Bundesverband), CEO and Managing Director of CertifAI, Rebecca Arcesati, Lead Analyst at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra, Research Fellow at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and Dr. Guido Brinkel, Head of Regulatory Policy and Director of Corporate Affairs at Microsoft Berlin as panel speakers.