- January 29, 2019
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- January 24, 2025
On January 29, 2019 the Aspen Institute Germany hosted a roundtable discussion on the question “A European Future for Kosovo?” with Fisnik Korenica, Senior Research Fellow at Group for Legal and Political Studies, Peter Beyer, Member of the German Bundestag, Rapporteur for Kosovo, Serbia, and Montenegro in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Coordinator for Transatlantic Cooperation in the Federal Foreign Office, and Sabine Stöhr, Head of Western Balkans Division at the Federal Foreign Office. After short input statements by the three speakers, the participants discussed Kosovo’s progress on the EU integration path and the country’s expectations, opportunities, and key challenges ahead. Current topics were discussed, including the latest developments on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, the 100% trade tariffs imposed by Kosovo on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as prospects for a potential decision on the visa liberalization process by the European Council. Furthermore, long-term issues were tackled, including reform processes regarding rule of law and the fight against corruption as well as the role Germany, the EU and other actors will play in Kosovo in the future.