Our Papers
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Elisabeth Haas, Lennart Nientit, Laboratories of Democracy Initiative – Structural Change and the Revitalization of Post-Industrial Areas: Recommendations for the State Level and for Transatlantic Cooperation, in: Policy Recommendations, Aspen Institute Germany, August 2023
- Philip Lott and Tobias Röttger, Townhall Dispatch: A Social Future? Inequality and Cities in the Transatlantic Context, March 2023
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Wiebke Wartenberg, Lennart Nientit, Laboratories of Democracy Initiative – Climate and Energy: Recommendations for the State Level and for Transatlantic Cooperation, in: Policy Recommendations, Aspen Institute Germany, January 2023
- Stormy-Annika Mildner and Christian Hagemann, Civil Society & Think Tank Forum 2022 – Conference Report and Policy Recommendations, in: Southeast Europe Association and Aspen Institute Germany, December 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner and Claudia Schmucker, The World Ahead 2023 – Trade: What’s Left of Globalisation?, in: Italian Institute for International Political Studies, December 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Sustainable Economic Recovery: G20 in Troubled Times, in: Global Policy Journal, G20 in 2023: Priorities for India’s Presidency, November 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Wiebke Wartenberg, Katja Greeson, Philip Lott and Elisabeth Haas; Mit einem blauen Auge davon gekommen – Die USA haben gewählt: Zehn Schlussfolgerungen; in: Spot On, Aspen Institute Germany; November 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner and Lennart Nientit, New Realities of Multilateralis- AUKUS: Great Power Games in the Indo-Pacific, in: Panorama – Insights into Asian and European Affairs, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, November 2022, 63-82.
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Katja Greeson and Philip Lott; The Transatlantic Relationship in a New Era: Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste; in: Italian Institute for International Political Studies; November 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Time for a TTIP Light? – Germany and Transatlantic Economic Relations, in: American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, October 2022
- Klaus Wittmann; Russland, Ukraine und Deutschland; in: Spot On, Aspen Institute Germany; October 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Philip Lott and Elisabeth Haas; A Good Place to (Re-)Start: Acknowledging and Advancing the Role of Cities in Transatlantic Relations; in: Townhall Dispatch, Aspen Institute Germany; October 2022
- Aaron Mertz and Jylana Sheats, In Favor of Pure Science, in: Aspen Institute, September 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Finding a New Compass for Germany’s Foreign Economic Policy, in: 49security, September 2022
- M. Sait Aikman et al, Roundabout Way to Multilateralism: How Could Regional Trade Agreements (RTAS) and Plurilaterals Revitalise It?, in: G20 Insights, September 2022
- Emilie Schreier, War at our Doorstep – A Wake-up Call for the EU’s Stalled Enlargement Agenda, in: In A Nutshell, Aspen Institute Germany, August 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Friend-Shoring and the End of Multilateralism? Major Challenges for Germany as a Trading Nation, in: Blog Politische Ökonomie, June 2022
- Rüdiger Lentz, Frieden und Freiheit: Ein Plädoyer für Nachhaltigkeit und Wehrhaftigkeit!, in: In A Nutshell, Aspen Institute Germany, June 2022
- Abe Baker-Butler and Stormy-Annika Mildner, The G7 at a Watershed Moment – Will there Be an Ambitious Elmau Package?, in: Spot On, Aspen Institute Germany, June 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, The World in Disarray: Is This the End of Multilateralism for Trade?, in: Issue Brief, Observer Research Foundation, May 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Wiebke Wartenberg, Bennet Nicolaisen, and Alf W. Brandt; Laboratories of Democracy Initiative – The Digital Transformation: Recommendations for the State Level and for Transatlantic Cooperation; in: Action Report, Aspen Institute Germany; April 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Eva Mattes and Moritz Ludwig; Humanity Empowered: Building Resilience with AI; in: Conference Report, Aspen Institute Germany; March 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Daniel Kirchhof, Eva Mattes, Linda Jäck and Moritz Ludwig; Engaging German Influencers – Call for Action; in: Action Report, Aspen Institute Germany; March 2022
- Karsten Voigt, Entspannungspolitik mit Russland?, in: In A Nutshell, Aspen Institute Germany, February 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Marlies Murray and Bennet Nicolaisen; “Build Back Better” – Sind die besten Tage von Joe Biden schon vorbei?; in: Spot On, Aspen Institute Germany; January 2022
- Stormy-Annika Mildner and Daniel Kirchhof, Medienkompetenz meistern – Tipps von Schüler*innen für Schüler*innen, in: Aspen Institute Germany, January 2022
- Valeska Esch and Viktoria Palm, Media Freedom in the Western Balkans, in: Aspen Institute Germany, December 2021
- Valeska Esch and Viktoria Palm, Implementing the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, in: Aspen Institute Germany, December 2021
- Stormy-Annika Mildner and Lennart Nientit, AUKUS: A New Alliance for the Indo-Pacific. And where is the EU?, in: In A Nutshell, Aspen Institute Germany, December 2021
- Elmar Brok, Gibt es noch eine gemeinsame westliche Strategie?, in: In A Nutshell, Aspen Institute Germany, November 2021
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Raus aus der Sackgasse: G7 müssen Krisenmanagement neu denken, in: Spot On, Aspen Institute Germany, October 2021
- Stormy-Annika Mildner and Annika Mattes, Saying Good-Bye: Merkel’s Farewell Visit to Washington, in: In A Nutshell, Aspen Institute Germany, July 2021
- Klaus Wittmann, NATO 2030 – Des Gipfels Kern, in: Spot On, Aspen Institute Germany, June 2021
- Stormy-Annika Mildner and Claudia Schmucker, China – Härtetest für die transatlantischen Beziehungen, in: Spot On, Aspen Institute Germany, June 2021
- Valeska Esch and Viktoria Palm, Supporting Reconciliation Processes in the Western Balkans, in: Aspen Institute Germany, May 2021
- Elmar Brok, Für Souveränität mit Mut und Augenmaß in Europa, in: In a Nutshell, Aspen Institute Germany, May 2021
- Gunther Hellmann, Die ersten 100 Tage Biden als ermutigender Auftakt für die kommenden 1.360, in: In a Nutshell, Aspen Institute Germany, April 2021
- Valeska Esch, Viktoria Palm, Hansjörg Brey and Christian Hageman; Emigration from the Western Balkans; in: Aspen Institute Germany; 2020
- Valeska Esch and Viktoria Palm, The Covid-19 Pandemic in the Western Balkans: Consequences and Policy Approaches, in: Aspen Institute Germany, 2020
- Valeska Esch, Olga van Zijverden and Tina Bories; Economic Development and Democratization in the Western Balkans; in: Aspen Institute Germany; 2019
- Valeska Esch and Olga van Zijverden, Rule of Law Reforms in the Western Balkans, in: Aspen Institute Germany, 2018
- Valeska Esch and Yannic Remme, A European Future for the Western Balkans – Addressing Political and Economic Challenges, in: Aspen Institute Germany, 2017
- Valeska Esch, Democratization in the Western Balkans – Promoting Multi-Ethnic Open Societies to Counter Radicalization and Polarization, in: Aspen Institute Germany, 2016
- Valeska Esch and Carina Kempf, EU Enlargement and Regional Cooperation – Identifying the Next Steps, in: Aspen Institute Germany, 2015
- Valeska Esch and Julian Kabus; EU Enlargement – Between Conditionality, Progress, and Enlargement Fatigue; in: Aspen Institute Germany; 2014
Our Podcast America’s Choice
“America’s Choice – Der USA-Podcast” is a German-language podcast on U.S. politics, co-produced by the Aspen Institute Germany and the Atlantik-Brücke. The podcast addresses political developments in the United States, the Biden administration‘s domestic and foreign policy priorities, and the implications for transatlantic relations. It is co-hosted by Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner, Executive Director of the Aspen Germany, and Julia Friedlander, Executive Director of the Atlantik-Brücke. In each episode, they speak with select experts about the latest developments on the other side of the Atlantic. The podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and other platforms.

Episode 44: New Trade Dispute Among Friends? Why U.S. Investments in Future Technologies Alarm the EU
With Heike Buchter, U.S. correspondent, DIE ZEIT, and Dr. Laura von Daniels, Head of the “America” Research Group, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) (20 December, 2022).

Episode 43: Biden’s Halftime: What the Outcome of the Midterms Means for the United States
With Julian Heißler, U.S. Correspondent, Wirtschaftswoche, and Dr. Meike Zwingenberger, Chief Executive Officer, Bavarian Center for Transatlantic Relations (November 10, 2022).

Episode 42: The Midterms 2022: Positions and Perspectives
With Cecilie Rohwedder, Contributor, Wall Street Journal (WSJ), and Dr. Johannes Thimm, Deputy Head of Research Division ‘The Americas’, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) (September 22, 2022).

Episode 41: Transatlantic Energy Policy: A New Rift or Common Approach?
With Dr. Sonja Thielges, Research Group Leader at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), and Dr. Guntram Wolff, Director and CEO of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) (August 24, 2022).

Episode 40: Will the Supreme Court Overturn Abortion Rights: What the End of Roe v. Wade Means
With Sofia Dreisbach, U.S. correspondent, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and Prof. Dr. Christian Lammert, Institute Director and Co-Head Politics Department, John F. Kennedy Institute at Freie Universität Berlin (June 16, 2022).

Episode 39: Closer Transatlantic Ties: What the Trade and Technology Council Can Accomplish
With Tyson Barker, Head of Technology and Foreign Policy Program at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in Berlin, and Julia Friedlander, C. Boyden Gray Senior Fellow and Director of the Economic Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council in Washington D.C. (May 5, 2022).

Episode 38: The Russian Security Challenge and the U.S.-American and European Response
With Dr. Aylin Matlé, Research Fellow in the Security and Defense Program, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), and Dr. Marco Overhaus, Senior Associate in the Research Devision The Americas, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) (April 6, 2022)

Episode 37: High Inflation in Times of War: How do FED and ECB Respond to the Challenge
With Sophie Schimansky, Deputy Editor in Chief of Vienna-based Forbes DACH, and Prof. Dr. Galina Kolev, Senior Economist in the International Economic Order and Business Cycle competence area at the Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) in Cologne (March 7, 2022)

Episode 36: Putin’s Plans and America’s Response: What the Ukraine Crisis Means for Europe
With Sabine Fischer, senior fellow in the research division ‘Eastern Europe and Eurasia’ at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), and Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger, former editor-in-chief for foreign policy and senior commentator at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (February 10, 2022)

Episode 35: Looking Back and Ahead: President Biden’s First Year in Office
With Nora Müller, Head of International Politics and Head of the Capital Office of the Körber Foundation, and Hubert Wetzel, USA correspondent for Süddeutsche Zeitung (January 20, 2022)

Episode 34: New Signals? The Traffic Light Coalition and Transatlantic Relations
With Gyde Jensen (MdB, FDP), deputy chair of the FDP parliamentary group in the German Bundestag, Metin Hakverdi (MdB, SPD), member of the Budget Committee, and Dieter Janecek (MdB, The Greens), economic policy spokesman and head of the Economics Working Group (December 21, 2021)

Episode 33: President in Crisis: Is Joe Biden’s Domestic Agenda Imploding?
With Ines Pohl, Washington Bureau Chief, Deutsche Welle, and Boris Vormann, Political Scientist and Professor at Bard College Berlin (November 26, 2021)

Episode 32: After the Afghanistan Disaster: What Should the West’s Foreign and Security Policy Look Like in the Future?
With Dr. Markus Kaim, Senior Fellow, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), and Dr. Annika Hansen, Head of Analysis, Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) (October 25, 2021)

Episode 31: Fire, Drought, Flood: The Climate Catastrophe and its Consequences
With Prof. Dr. Dr. Ortwin Renn, Scientific Director of the Institute for Transformative Sustainability Research (IASS) in Potsdam, and Alexandra Endres, freelance writer for Climate and Environment, ZEIT ONLINE (September 15, 2021)

Episode 30: Fly Me to the Moon: US Space Policy at the Brink of a New Era?
With Andrea Rotter, Director of Foreign and Security Policy, Hanns Seidel Foundation, and Kaitlyn Johnson, Deputy Director of the Aerospace Security Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (July 20, 2021)

Episode 29: New Dynamic? The G7, NATO and EU-US Summits and their Consequences
With Thomas Gutschker, political correspondent for the EU, NATO and Benelux countries at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), and Lisa Nienhaus, economic correspondent and head of the Frankfurt bureau of the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT (June 16, 2021)

Episode 28: The West’s Response to China
With Ambassador Boris Ruge, Vice Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, and Dr. Mareike Ohlberg, Senior Fellow in the Asia Program of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (May 31, 2021)

Episode 27: Joe Biden’s First 100 Days in Office
With Christoph von Marschall, diplomatic correspondent of the daily Der Tagesspiegel (April 27, 2021)

Episode 26: The Immigration Crisis at the U.S.-Mexico Border
With Victoria Rietig, head of the Migration Program at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), and Klaus Brinkbäumer, Program Director of Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) (April 14, 2021)

Episode 25: The Future of NATO and European Responsibility in the World
With Dr. Claudia Major, Head of the Research Division International Security at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), and Dr. Jana Puglierin, Head of the Berlin Office and Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (March 17, 2021)

Episode 24: Biden’s Climate Turnaround
With Dr. Susanne Dröge, Senior Fellow, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), and Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs, Chair of Environmental and Climate Policy, Bavarian School of Public Policy, Technical University of Munich) (February 24, 2021)

Episode 23: Full speed ahead? The First Two Weeks of the Biden Administration
With Majid Sattar, U.S. Correspondent at F.A.Z, and Andrea Shalal, Senior Correspondent at Reuters (February 5, 2021)

Episode 22: Capitol Riot – A Shock for America and the World
With Torrey Taussig, Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Michael Werz, Center for American Progress, to discuss the capitol riot and its consequences for American democracy. This episode is in English. (January 15, 2021)

Episode 21: Transition with Obstacles
With Dr. Anna Sauerbrey, Member of the Editorial Board and Head of Opinion Department at Tagesspiegel, and Dr. David Sirakov, Director of the Atlantic Academy Rhineland-Palatinate (December 10, 2020)

Episode 20: A Historic Election
With Christiane Meier, ARD Correspondent in New York, Steven Sokol, President of the American Council on Germany, and Prof. Dr. Christian Lammert, Professor at the John F. Kennedy Institute (November 10, 2020)

Episode 19: Blue, Red, Purple – The Role of Swing States in the Outcome of the U.S. Elections
With Rieke Havertz, U.S. correspondent at ZEIT Online, and Dr. Jackson Janes, President Emeritus at AICGS and Senior Fellow at GMFUS (October 21, 2020)

Episode 18: Playing Hardball – The First 2020 Presidential Debate
With Prof. Lora Anne Viola, Professor at the John F. Kennedy Institute in Berlin, and Dr. Daniela Schwarzer, Director of the German Council on Foreign Relations (September 30, 2020)

Episode 17: Mysterious Powers, Viral Delusion and Social Media – Conspiracy Theories in the U.S. Election
With Marie-Astrid Langer, Silicon Valley correspondent at Neue Zürcher Zeitung, and Julia Friedlander, C. Boyden Gray Senior Fellow and Deputy Director at the Atlantic Council (September 16, 2020)

Episode 16: Make America Great Again, Again – The Republican National Convention
With Andrea Römmele, Professor of Communication in Politics and Civil Society and Director of Executive Education at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, and Matthew Karnitschnig, Chief Europe Correspondent at Politico’s Berlin office (August 28, 2020)

Episode 15: Convention without a Live Audience – The Virtual Democratic National Convention
With Sarah Wagner, Education Manager at the Atlantic Academy, and Dr. Danyal Bayaz, Member of the Bundestag (Alliance 90/The Greens) (August 21, 2020)

Episode 14: Harris, Housewives and the American Dream
With Kerstin Kohlenberg, U.S. correspondent at the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT (August 13, 2020)

Episode 13: Strategy and Tactics – A Look at the Trump and Biden Campaign
With Constance Chucholowski, political communications consultant and director at the Berlin office of 365 Sherpas – Corporate Affairs & Policy Advice, and Julius van de Laar, political strategist, communications consultant and expert in digital media (July 22, 2020)

Episode 12: Trouble Behind, Trouble Ahead? The U.S. Presidential Election and Transatlantic Relations
With Daniel S. Hamilton, Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Professor at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), and Rüdiger Lentz, Executive Director at Aspen Germany (July 8, 2020)

Episode 11: What Do Women Want? The Female Vote in the U.S. elections
With Annett Meiritz, U.S. correspondent at Handelsblatt (June 24, 2020)

Episode 10: America in Turmoil – Protests against Racism and Police Brutality in the United States
With Laura Kupe, Counsel on the Committee on Homeland Security at the U.S. House of Representatives, Priscilla Layne, Professor of German Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Daniel-Friedrich Sturm, U.S. correspondent of WELT(June 10, 2020)

Episode 9: An Astronaut, a Football Coach, and a Kennedy – The U.S. Senate Elections
With Juliane Schäuble, U.S. correspondent at Tagesspiegel, and Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson, KCRW Berlin’s Program Director (May 26, 2020)

Episode 8: Corona in the White House
With Christiane Hoffmann, editor at Spiegel’s Berlin office (May 17, 2020)

Episode 7: Podcasts, Protests, and Pick-ups – The 2020 Election and Media in Times of COVID-19
With Prof. Dr. Curd Knüpfer, junior professor at the John F. Kennedy Institute (May 1, 2020)

Episode 6: Who Elects Whom? Black People, Evangelicals and the Disappointed Youth
With Martin Klingst, political correspondent at DIE ZEIT and author of the book Trumps Amerika: Reise in ein weißes Land (April 17, 2020)

Episode 5: Cuomo for President?
With Cathryn Clüver, Executive Director of the Future of Diplomacy Project and the Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship at the Harvard Kennedy School, and Peter Rough, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute (April 3, 2020)

Episode 4: 2020 Election Campaigns amid Coronavirus Shutdown
With Astrid Dörner, U.S. correspondent at Handelsblatt, and Sudha David-Wilp, Deputy Director of the Berlin Office and Senior Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund (March 27, 2020)

Episode 3: COVID-19, the Economic Consequences, and the U.S. Elections
With the Deputy Chairman of the Atlantik-Brücke, Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther, Director of the Institute of German Economics and member of the Executive Board (March 20, 2020)

Episode 2: Super Tuesday Edition
With Sigmar Gabriel, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Atlantik-Brücke (March 3, 2020)

Episode 1: Ready to Rumble – U.S. Primary Elections Enter Crunch Time
With Sumi Somaskanda, American journalist and senior news anchor at DW News (February 21, 2020)
Media Literacy Podcast
In addition to our publication “Medienkompetenz meistern – Tipps von Schüler*innen für Schüler*innen”, the “Media Literacy Podcast – Medienkompetenz meistern” is the result of our transatlantic students project on media literacy and is hosted by our podcast producer Roberta Ahlers. The podcast was produced in cooperation with the experts and speakers of our transatlantic media literacy project and is dedicated to the topics of media literacy, information literacy and the competent handling of “fake news,” disinformation, conspiracy ideologies, hate speech and discrimination on the Internet and Social Media. In each episode, the host talks to selected experts about topics related to media literacy. Selected students from the Dathe-Gymnasium in Berlin, the Marie-Curie-Gymnasium in Dresden and the German International School of Silicon Valley also have their say. The podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other relevant platforms. We would like to particularly thank the U.S. Embassy in Berlin for their kind support of the project.

Episode 1 – Media Literacy
For our first episode we were delighted to welcome the following distinguished experts: Dr. Johannes Dimroth, Head of the Political Communication Department, Press and Information Office of the German Federal Government, Lutz Güllner, Head of Division, Strategic Communication, Task Forces, and Information Analysis (SG.STRAT.2), European External Action Service, Marie Richter, Managing Editor Germany, NewsGuard Technologies, Derya Şahan, Consultant, specialist unit on distancing from extremism at the Baden-Württemberg Democracy Center, and broadcasting councillor of the Southwest German Broadcasting Corporation (SWR), and Roberta Schmid, Media Analyst, NewsGuard Technologies.

Episode 2 – Social Networks, Platforms and Climate
Our second episode involves the distinguished experts Valentin Abel, Parliamentary Group of the Free Democrats, Member of the German Bundestag, Lutz Güllner, Head of Division, Strategic Communication, Task Forces, and Information Analysis (SG.STRAT.2), European External Action Service, Dr. Sonja Thielges, Senior Research Associate, Pathways to Sustainable Energy, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS), and Katharina Schulze, Member of the Bavarian State Parliament, Chairwoman of the Alliance 90/The Greens Parliamentary Group.
Additionally, the second episode includes contributions of selected students from the Marie Curie Gymnasium, Dresden: Aline Fiebig, Götje Hansen, Pascal Renner and Wenke Behm.

Episode 3 – Fake News, Climate and Health
The third episode involves the following distinguished experts: Dagny Lüdemann, Chief Science Reporter, ZEIT ONLINE, Dr. Jens-Uwe Grooß, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Stratosphere Division (IEK-7), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Marie Richter, Managing Editor Germany, NewsGuard Technologies, Roberta Schmid, Media Analyst, NewsGuard Technologies, Dr. Charlotte Unger, Senior Research Associate, Climate Action in National and International Processes, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS), und Nora Löhle, Program Director, Energy and Environment, Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America.
Moreover, the episode was also enriched by contributions from the following students: Gustav Mehlau, Dathe-Gymnasium Berlin, Katharina Stähr, German International School of Silicon Valley, Lena Nicoletti, German International School of Silicon Valley, und Simon Rakel, Marie-Curie-Gymnasium Dresden.